As an official distributor of ICS dry ice cleaning systems, Scott Ales of Drycenation invited us to their annual DryceDays event for 2023! It started on Wednesday, January 11, 2023 and ended on Saturday, January 14.
This year we are celebrating our 25th anniversary and that is why it is special for us. The novelties that we are launching this year have no analogues on the market. We are pleased with the interest in our products, as well as in dry ice cleaning technology, which is ecological and as we know - green technology is the technology of the future. 25 years ago we were a small start-up company with a few people, today we operate worldwide and our work team, as well as the distribution network, is constantly growing.
We are pleased that even in such a huge market as the United States of America, we are already quite visible and well-known, and our technology is being used more and more here.
"The second week of January, we hosted our event with ICS executives and supporting business leaders from our country. Including social media influencers and members of DryceNation! The only dedicated community of dry ice cleaners working together to refine and develop the best practices and procedures to clean cars with dry ice. Currently, we have 60+ members mostly across the US, but a few in other countries as well."
In the past few days, we launched a new design to promote the brand and its awareness. Most of you know, we have primarily marketed towards the automotive industry. Our facility is specifically designed to be a purpose built example towards that industry. Dedicated to the preservation of high valued vehicles. We are relentless in pursuit of best practices and products which can be seen here in Central Florida.
I believe we have much to gain by coordinating and creating close relationships and interactions moving forward. This 25th year anniversary for the company and new product launches will certainly be exciting! I am confident that if we collectively move as one body, the ICS brand will enjoy a extraordinary year and become the world class leader we all know they deserve to be! " (S.Ales)
The program was really varied:
* Obsessed Garage, Matt Moreman
* Dryce® Board discussion, What's new for 2023!
* ICS Dry Ice Machines, CEO Peter Gabris (IC-030 EVOII, IC-410S reveal)
* Industry reps and demonstrations (Blasting machine / Dry ice making demo)
* Special visits from Automotive influencers
* Dryce Board discussions (Dryce Master Certified, Dryce Sales & Service)
* Dinitrol Coatings, Jeff Johnston
* Dr. Beasleys, Chris Racana, Director of Success
* Tigbrush, Rex Reynolds
* Nano Desiccant Dryers, Mark Lattawasser
* Kaeser Compressors, TBD
* Challenger Lifts, Chris Feaster